Flare Gas Recovery | North Dakota and Montana

(406) 827-3574

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Reliable Flare Gas Mitigation

Montana Dakota Services, Inc. is a flare gas recovery operation which has established a team of dedicated mechanics and operators who maintain consistently high uptimes and maximize outputs for our fleet of Waukesha engines with Ariel compressors.

Find out more about

Who we are

What we do

Our Solutions

A Sustainable Future

Take the Flare out of the Air

The purpose of our work is to mitigate the gas flaring that occurs from oil and gas extraction.

Building the future


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Building the future


Duis faucibus erat sit amet vestibulum semper. Cras orci lacus, eleifend in efficitur in, pulvinar in justo. Sed varius tempor odio vitae tristique. Donec nisi ante, luctus at tincidunt ac, mollis in augue.

Building the future


Duis faucibus erat sit amet vestibulum semper. Cras orci lacus, eleifend in efficitur in, pulvinar in justo. Sed varius tempor odio vitae tristique. Donec nisi ante, luctus at tincidunt ac, mollis in augue.

Building the future


Duis faucibus erat sit amet vestibulum semper. Cras orci lacus, eleifend in efficitur in, pulvinar in justo. Sed varius tempor odio vitae tristique. Donec nisi ante, luctus at tincidunt ac, mollis in augue.

Building the future


Duis faucibus erat sit amet vestibulum semper. Cras orci lacus, eleifend in efficitur in, pulvinar in justo. Sed varius tempor odio vitae tristique. Donec nisi ante, luctus at tincidunt ac, mollis in augue.

Give us a Call

Ready to explore the benefits of flare gas recovery with Montana-Dakota Services? Get in touch with us today to discuss how our expertise can reduce emissions and enhance your operational efficiency. Our team is here to assist you—simply reach out using the contact form, and let’s start transforming flare gas into a valuable resource for your business.

Building the future

Our Expertise

Gas Compression

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Building the future

Renewable Energy Realization

Building the future


Our leader Dick Vinson, has the vision, determination and tenacity to do what some view as the impossible.  He won’t stop until he finds the answer to every question, and the solution to every challenge.  That is what drives Montana Dakota Services to perfect our process and continue to work to implement effective technology.

Building the future

Bakken’s best kept secret

Our uptime is unparalleled.  We are consistently 95%+  and work every day to implement processes to maintain or better this number.

Building the future

People Make the Difference

A happy and motivated team as well as our reliable trucking partner (BDS Fluids) makes us stand out from other companies. Positive attitudes and people who look for what needs to be done and do it – are what makes us reliable and it shows in our uptime.